Showing articles for the Private Health industry
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National Capital Private Hospital: Consultation over workplace change
As you know, workplaces can change. However, there is an established process for changes to be implemented. Clause 42 of the National Capital Private Hospital –…
February 24, 2021
Macquarie University Hospital Draft Enterprise Agreement
The HSU has been negotiating a new Enterprise Agreement with MUH for the past 12 months. This Enterprise Agreement will outline your conditions of employment, as…
February 23, 2021
St Vincent's Private Hospital Car Parking Fee Increases
Recently, car parking fees for St Vincent’s Private Hospital workers have increased to from $6.50 to $8 a day. HSU delegates have been…
February 23, 2021
Laverty Pathology Barrack Heights: Response to memo
We understand you have received this notice from management regarding visits from HSU to COVID-19 testing sites: HSU organiser Robert…
February 23, 2021
St Vincent's Private Hospital: Are you being paid your service allowance?
As you would be aware, the St Vincent’s Health Australia (NSW Private Hospitals) Support Services Enterprise Agreement 2018 is the agreement that covers your pay and…
February 23, 2021
Hunter Primary Care Agreement Approved
The Fair Work Commission has approved the Hunter Primary Care Agreement 2021. It came into effect on February 18 2021. You can find a copy here.…
February 23, 2021
Management Restructure at Wesley Mission Ashfield and Kogarah
The HSU has received notification that Wesley Mission Ashfield and Kogarah are consulting with affected staff regarding a major workplace change under clause 26 of your…
February 17, 2021
NOW EXTENDED: Book your free health cover checkup
To ensure that HSU members continue to get the most out of your membership, last year the HSU made the *Member Advantage*[/why-join/member-benefits/member-advantage] program available to members.…
February 15, 2021