Warilla Residential Care Home Closure

The Health Services Union has received correspondence from Warrigal to advise of their decision to permanently close Warrigal’s Warilla Residential Care Home.

This decision directly affects all employees working at Warrigal Warilla, including those working for contracting organisations. You can view a copy of the correspondence at this link.

For those members employed by Warrigal, redeployment will be offered to all employees. You will have the opportunity to nominate your preferences for redeployment within Warrigal’s Illawarra network. Additionally, Warrigal employees have the opportunity to increase their contracted hours or be considered for conversion from casual to permanent employment.

For those members employed by Cater Care, a meeting has been called for next Friday 18 March at 1:30pm in the Village Hall where further information will be provided. The HSU is hoping that both Carer Care and Warrigal will work together to support impacted employees. Your local HSU Organiser Meri Bosevski will be attending this meeting.

If you have any concerns or questions, please contact your organiser Meri Bosevski via email [E-Mail not displayed] or the Member Services Division on 1300 478 679.