Vote now: New Control Centre bans

  • Published August 15, 2024
  • Industries

Vote here

Today, Control members and delegates met to discuss further action. It was resoundingly clear after Friday’s meeting with the Ministry of Health that they view ADHSU Control members with little respect. After four months of no progress, members understand that pay and conditions can’t be won by negotiation alone.

Click here for a full update on Friday’s meeting.

Things are won when members take ownership of the fight, and that is exactly what members have decided to do, via industrial action/new bans.

The proposed new bans, to start on the first day shift on Monday 19 August:

  • No active training of incoming trainees. Members will welcome trainees to observe, but they will not allow trainees to run the board.
  • No dispatching of duty crews to R8 sporting or special events when it takes that town under PAR for the shift.
  • Dispatchers will not move single officers on sign on that is the responsibility of the DOMs and deployment as per dual crewing policy.
  • On Wednesday, 21 August, control members will only dispatch Priority 1 (1A, 1B, 1C, 2I) jobs for two periods of 30 minutes starting at 10:00-1030 &1500-1530.

Click here to vote on endorsing these bans.

Pre-existing bans are also set to continue. These bans are:

  • Ban on R5s, R6s & R7s, unless out of scope (PTS), end of life, end of shift hot swaps or any other case deemed necessary.
  • Not managing bed block. No member will manage or follow up transfer of care delays.
  • No stamping or recording of call outs.
  • Not participating in PDPs and Sick Leave Review meetings.
  • ADHSU DCCOs & SCCOs will do no SharePoint documentation.
  • Not participating in training, workshops or any other things in relation to the new CAD upgrade.