Update on Control Centre Officers Award negotiations

  • Published August 13, 2024
  • Industries

Last Friday, ADHSU Control Centre delegates met with the Ministry of Health for award negotiations, for the fifth time. Despite these repeated meetings in good faith, frustratingly little progress has been made.

For four months, the Ministry has stalled and wasted delegates’ valuable time. They have repeatedly shown up to meetings with little recollection of the last, needing basic award concepts re-explained, and acting surprised when the same conditions are patiently explained time and time again. They come with no bargaining power and miniscule movement on the CCO’s log of claims. There is a clear lack of respect for delegates' time, many of whom are travelling multiple hours on their days off to attend.

Enough is enough.

Delegates agree that these meetings are an ineffective means of making progress, and it is time to increase the momentum. Now is the time to show the Ministry they mean business.

More aggressive action is being strongly considered by delegates. Once the award has been discussed in the Industrial Relations Commission this Wednesday 14 August, a decision regarding industrial action will be made.

Delegates urge members to stay tuned for this on Thursday.

In the meantime, talk to your fellow ADHSU members about potential action, get angry and get ready to fight.