Low staffing, workload issues at Thomas Roseby – know your rights!

Dear Member, 

HSU members at Uniting Thomas Roseby have recently shared their concerns around low staffing levels causing a range of workload issues.

Direct care workers say low staffing levels have caused physical and mental stress for workers, with some members fearing they cannot provide the level of care they want for residents due to the workload.

It’s an important reminder – the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 states your employer must ensure employee health and safety and must ensure workers are not put at risk.

According to clause 49.4 of UNITING AGED CARE ENTERPRISE AGREEMENT (NSW) 2017, “(w)orkload management must be an agenda item at staff meetings on at least a quarterly basis” and the discussion “must be recorded in the minutes of the staff meeting”. 

Please talk to your workmates about the issue, raise the issue at the staff meeting, and keep documenting all the conversations you had about the issue. Contact your organiser Hyojung on 0458 012 322 or [E-Mail not displayed] to discuss further. 

Encourage your workmates to join the HSU. Together you have strength in your workplace. New members can join online at www.hsu.asn.au/join or call 1300 478 679.