HealthShare executives agree to meet with members over café closures!

Dear Member,

Congratulations! Despite much procrastination, HealthShare executives have now agreed to meet with HSU members in response to HealthShare’s unpopular decision to close multiple retail outlets, including cafes at the John Hunter and Manning Base hospitals.

HealthShare has confirmed executives will now meet with HSU members next Thursday at John Hunter and Manning Base. Final details, including times and locations are yet to be finalised but will be communicated to members shortly.

Thousands of HSU members, non-members and community members signed the petition calling on HealthShare executives to listen to workers’ concerns about the proposed café closures.

This outcome only came about because YOU took action on the ground – coming to union meetings, signing the petition, getting your co-workers to sign and distributing the petition to the wider community. 

When we are united, we are unstoppable!

Do you know someone who isn’t an HSU member? Encourage them to join our Union today and have a say at work. We are always stronger when we stand together.

 New members can join at or call 1300 478 679.