Union win! ISLHD forced to provide correct workers’ comp information for COVID

Dear Member,

After HSU members raised their concerns about ISLHD distributing misleading information on COVID-related workers’ compensation, the district has been forced to back down and provide the correct information.

If a NSW Health worker catches COVID, for the purposes of workers' compensation, there is a legal presumption they got it at work. This means to reject your workers' compensation claim, the insurer must prove you didn't get COVID at work. Due to the nature of your work, this is almost impossible to do. 

Like other Local Health Districts, ISLHD had wrongly and consistently advised staff that if they contracted COVID, they should use personal leave. This is wrong and has left many ISLHD staff with no personal leave after using it all up after contracting COVID.

Thanks to HSU delegates, particularly the HSU ISLHD Allied Health Subbranch, ISLHD have now changed their advice to staff to correctly state that you are entitled to workers' compensation if you get COVID.

This is a great win for HSU members locally and shows the importance of a strong and active union. It is only thanks to our HSU delegates and their relentless advocacy on this issue over the last few months that this win has been secured for members. 

If you have any questions regarding your rights to access workers' compensation or if you have any issues, please contact [E-Mail not displayed] or 1300 478 679. 

Do you know someone who isn’t an HSU member? Encourage them to join our Union today and have a say at work. We are always stronger when we stand together. 

New members can join at www.hsu.asn.au/join or call 1300 478 679.