Time to close the loophole! HSU lodges court case to stamp out NDIS wage theft

Dear Member,

HSU members know all too well that many providers are getting away with underpaying disability support workers by exploiting a vaguely worded loophole.

But this week, HSU members have taken a major step towards stamping out this blatant wage theft, by lodging a case with the Fair Work Commission to clarify exactly how those workers should be classified and paid.

The HSU has made an application to FWC to vary the Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Award (SCHADS Award) to ensure providers pay staff at least the minimum wage for social and community services workers.

Vague wording around “domestic assistance” in the award allows many providers to underpay disability support workers as home care workers.

Under the award, a home care classification allows the employer to pay their employees as little as $24 per hour – meaning employers can charge full NDIS prices based on higher wages under Schedule B and pocket a difference of almost $9 an hour!

This is our chance to close this loophole and stop wage theft!

HSU members have also called on the federal government and NDIA to tighten funding guidelines and require providers to demonstrate they have complied with the SACS ERO rates of pay before receiving payments.

This is how workers stop dodgy dealing and wage theft – by working together!

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