Stay safe at work! Workplace safety is union business!

Dear Member,

Everyone has the right to be safe and healthy at work. This includes both your physical and psychological health.  

Workplace bullying can be a risk to your psychological health. Bullying happens at work when a person, or group of people, repeatedly behave unreasonably towards another worker, or group of workers; and the behaviour creates a risk to health and safety. Unreasonable behaviour could include shouting, offensive language, excluding or isolating employees, or intimidating others.

Several HSU members have raised concerns about bullying and harassment in the workplace. To address this issue, all HSU members are encouraged to keep clear written records of any incidents at work including the dates and times something occurred; details of what was done or said, and by whom; names of any witnesses to the incident; and notes on how it made you feel.

The HSU has written to Uniting management notifying them of our concerns and letting them know that we are encouraging union members to document any workplace incidents. We are also asking management to monitor and manage the issue more proactively and, if bullying or harassment continues, HSU members may seek the assistance of SafeWork NSW or the Fair Work Commission to address the concern.  

If we need to escalate the matter to either SafeWork NSW or the Fair Work Commission, clear evidence of the incidents and concerns will be required. That is why it is important for all members to document all incidents thoroughly, to ensure we have accurate evidence to present if needed.

HSU members take issues of bullying and harassment very seriously and we are strongest when we stand together. If your colleagues are not yet HSU members, encourage them to join the union today and be part of the team fighting for a fairer workplace. 

If you wish to speak about bullying or other matters privately – contact your organiser, Karen Wiles: [E-Mail not displayed] or +61 408164519.

Encourage your workmates to join the HSU. Together you have strength in your workplace. New members can join online at or call 1300 478 679.