Sydney Dental Hospital: Transportation of sterilising equipment


Dental Assistants have been forced to take on the task of transporting sterilising equipment between their department and CSD.

This change was made without staff or HSU consultation or choice.

The HSU raised this with SDH management months ago. Since then, we have seen 2 workshops that the HSU was left out of and no improvement to the situation.

On 29 August, HSU representatives again met with SDH management to resolve the situation. The suggestion of a specific Porter position to be recruited to and service this work to alleviate workloads of both departments was put forward, but rejected by SDH management.

It is clear that trying to work with SDH management is not getting us anywhere. HSU members have a right to implement work bans on certain tasks, to try and resolve an issue. This only works if all dental assistants and sterilising technician members participate in the ban.

Have your say now on the HSU response. This survey will close at 12pm, Friday 13 September.

Do you know someone who isn’t an HSU member? Encourage them to join our Union today and have a say at work. We are always stronger when we stand together.

New members can join at or call 1300 478 679.