Changes to clinical practice during the life of the Paramedic Award

  • Published September 10, 2024
  • Industries

As we approach January 2025, most ADHSU paramedics can look forward to another significant boost in their pay packets. This increase is the next instalment of the current Award, a key outcome of our collective efforts under the Priority One Campaign. Following this, a further 3% pay rise is scheduled for July 2025, continuing the progress we've made towards fair and competitive compensation for our vital work.

Members will recall that the current Award was achieved through unprecedented action by ADHSU paramedics, driven by the urgent need for professional recognition. The Award was accepted on the basis of achieving parity with other states, a necessary step to stem the flow of staff leaving NSW and to address the spiralling cost of living challenges that our paramedics face daily.

But what does this mean for our ongoing professional recognition claim? ADHSU delegates are actively engaging with the Ministry of Health, exploring every opportunity to enhance our claim. The current Award is set to expire in June 2026, marking a crucial milestone in our fight for recognition. It is imperative that paramedics remain engaged and united as we prepare to push forward with our claim in the leadup to this expiration date.

Additionally, the current Award has established a baseline for the skills included in the 2023 Mandatory Continuing Professional Development (MCPD). Any new skills, such as the administration of Amiodarone which will be part of the upcoming MCPD chapter, will be included in our 2026 pay claim.

That being said, if NSWA were to introduce a new CPG/skill that represents an obvious and significant increase in work value during the life of this Award, a claim can and will be made. ADHSU delegates have formed a sub-committee to analyse changes to clinical practice through a work value lens. If a change is significant enough to make an immediate claim for an increase, the committee will put it to a membership vote.

As we move forward, the strength of our collective voice and our continued commitment to professional recognition will be key to securing the respect and compensation that NSW Paramedics deserve.