Radiation Therapy Advanced Practice status

HSU Radiation Therapy delegates have been working tirelessly to develop a modern Award with competitive pay rates and genuine career progression for Radiation Therapists.

One of the many areas the Committee has worked on is a role to reflect Advanced Practice status, including the requirements and responsibilities of such roles. There has been a lot of feedback requesting more information about how and when these roles would be created and who could apply for them.

An overview of the proposed Advanced Practice classification will be provided from Jill Harris (Manager) and Alison Brown (RT Advanced Practitioner) at Crown Princess Mary Cancer Centre Westmead, who currently have the only AP position in NSW. Leigh Ambrose from Northern Sydney Cancer Centre will provide an update on how the AP role is being implemented in their department shortly.

The session times are:

  1. July 24 at 1pm: https://hsu-asn-au.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZArdOGspj0uGdyGxvDdE9wl5PFazIw0FdGG
  2. July 24 at 6:30pm: https://hsu-asn-au.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMkfuCsrTwoG9Rv7HdPLMnvXUfsqBQ3jUcZ

If you are interested in Award reform and want to have your say, now is the time to join hundreds of your colleagues in the HSU campaign for competitive pay for RTs!