NSLHD: Proposed realignment & establishment of In-Reach service, CYMHS

Northern Sydney Local Health District has advised the HSU of the proposed establishment of a new Child and Youth Mental Health Services (CYMHS) Consultation-Liaison (CL) Hospital In-Reach service.

The District says it has received additional recurrent funding to establish the new service. The service is intended to provide targeted mental health assessment and intervention for young people admitted to hospital who are experiencing mental health concerns, including comorbid substance use.

The District advises that the proposed realignment within CYMHS includes the recruitment of an additional 6.9 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) staff members. This would include psychiatry, senior multidisciplinary health clinicians and administration, and some changes to existing structures and roles.

You can view the correspondence at the below links:

What do you think?

It is important for union members to lead this discussion. How will this affect you?

Please send your feedback to [E-Mail not displayed] by Thursday 26 September with the subject NSLHD CYMHS Hospital In-Reach.

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