Coffs Harbour Health Campus: Proposed reallocation of rooms

The HSU has received correspondence from CHHC management, detailing a proposal to reallocate interview/clinic rooms AC 123 & 124 currently assigned to allied health professionals (in particular physiotherapists). The proposal from management reads as follows:

The refurbished Ambulatory Care area that was completed as part of the Capital Redevelopment Program and commenced operation in the middle of 2023. The area is designed for use for outpatient clinics. The following activities have been completed:

  • Relocation of clinics provided in the Specialist Medical Centre back to the CHHC Ambulatory Care area
  • Relocation of Chronic Pain Program to Community Health
    • Relocation of CAMHS & Safeguards from Head Space back to CHHC
    • Relocation of the gynaecology and colposcopy clinic from a standard consult room to the procedure room with ensuite, improving patient experience and providing additional privacy
    • Commencement of new Vascular, Orthopaedics and Movement Disorder clinics in Ambulatory Care space
    • Host fracture clinic weekly
    • Commencement of seven outreach clinics from Sydney RPA, Sydney’s Childrens Network and John Hunter
    • A new TIA twice weekly clinic is anticipated to commence soon

The final piece is the relocation of the Gastroenterologist, her nurse and Administration Officer to Rooms AC 123 and AC 124 – this will enable these staff who operate and manage a Gastroenterology, Biliary and Hepatology inpatient and outpatient service to be located appropriately in 2 (small!) rooms side by side to facilitate greater efficiency/productivity/effectiveness etc. Currently these 3 staff are located in separate areas and whilst these 2 rooms are not ideal for the Staff Specialist they are the best we can do at present and she is accepting of this space and arrangement. The vacated space by the Gastroenterologist will be allocated to the Head of Medicine who currently has no office. Two rooms can be permanently allocated to our Physio colleagues in the Ambulatory Care area for them to see and treat patients, which as mentioned, is around 20 paces from their existing location.

Please send your urgent feedback on this proposal to [E-Mail not displayed]. All feedback will be collated for a collective response to CHHC management.