HealthShare’s Share Services Evolution update

Dear Member,

HSU delegates from cleaning, patient services, waste management, and stores across WSLHD have met with HealthShare management about the planned “Shared Services Evolution” at the first USCC consultative meeting.

HSU delegates are demanding answers to questions about the proposed transition.

HSU members are greatly concerned by HealthShare saying it can run “non-clinical” services more cheaply. Union members know you can’t reduce costs without cutting staff, increasing workloads, and harming patient care for the Western Sydney community.

HealthShare announced it wants to transition Westmead Hospital by 23 September. But HealthShare can’t even tell members how many staff are going to be impacted.

At the meeting HealthShare refused to commit to maintaining current staffing levels across WSLHD. HSU members have serious concerns about the reports of high rates of casual workers at Royal North Shore Hospital (where HealthShare already run some non-clinical services).

HealthShare have not taken over management of these services. This take over is a proposal that is currently in consultation.

Members have spoken loud and clear. They do not want to be managed by HealthShare.

So where to next?

Health workers in Western Sydney hospitals are calling on elected politicians to stop the takeover of our jobs by HealthShare. We need MPs to intervene and keep these services under local hospital management.

Sign the petition HERE.

It’s time for union members to step up and get active! Make sure you and your co-workers sign and distribute the petition to the wider community. 

When we are united, we are unstoppable!

Do you know someone who isn’t an HSU member? Encourage them to join our Union today and have a say at work. We are always stronger when we stand together.