Nepean Ops Assistants: NBMLHD ignores responsibility for back payment

Nepean Hospital Operations Assistants continue to battle the District to be paid their Infectious Cleaning Allowance backpay.

HSU members took Nepean Blue Mountains LHD to the Industrial Relations Commission on 3 July, to compel the District to produce calculations for the Infectious Cleaning Allowance backpay incurred between 2018-2022.

The parties made some progress but the District has now ignored the HSU’s last four requests for further information, which is required so we can make sense of the District’s offer.

The Commission has just re-listed the dispute for Friday 16 August at 10am, before Justice Paingakulam, at the Industrial Court in Sydney. If you are able to attend, please email [E-Mail not displayed].

Prior to this, the HSU is holding a Zoom member meeting on Thursday 15 August at 3pm - please join via this link. We look forward to updating you then.

Do you know someone who isn’t an HSU member? Encourage them to join our Union today and have a say at work. We are always stronger when we stand together.

New members can join at or call 1300 478 679.