Nambucca Valley Care: Collection of incident diaries

Dear member, 

Earlier this year, HSU members from Nambucca Valley Care were provided with HSU incident diaries. These diaries are designed to allow for easy documentation of any bullying or incidents at work. 

When documenting bullying or similar behaviours, members should write down what was said, who said it and who, if anyone, witnessed it. 

In coming weeks, your organiser Karen Wiles will visit to talk about members about what they’ve written in the diaries. If you need to share the details of any bullying issues, the information may form part of a referral to SafeWork NSW. 

As a union member you have free access to industrial advice and representation. If you need, you can also access free legal advice regarding your visa from the Unions NSW VISA Assist program.

If you’d like to discuss immigration and visa matters, or any issues at work, speak with your local HSU delegate or organiser ASAP. 

Encourage your workmates to join the HSU. Together you have strength in your workplace. New members can join online at or call 1300 478 679.