Meredith House Announcement

The Health Services Union has received notification from Meredith House that they intend to close the facility. The closure is expected to occur by Sunday 24 April 2022. Please see correspondence at this link.

The notification goes on to state that the closure is due to the age and condition of the building, which is making it increasingly difficult to provide quality care.

Management have stated that staff will receive their full entitlements. Management have also advised that they will be reaching out to several aged care providers for employment opportunities. We acknowledge this initiative and encourage our members to look at any redeployment opportunity.

During this process, it’s important members understand their rights. You have the right to be consulted, which may include one on one meetings to discuss the decision.

We understand this will be an extremely difficult time and we can assure members that the HSU will be available for support. If you have any questions or concerns, contact the Member Services Division on 1300 478 679 or email [E-Mail not displayed].