Major Workplace Change at Apsley Riverview

The HSU has received notification from Presbyterian Aged Care (PAC) and Anglicare management regarding plans from Anglicare to take over most of Presbyterian Aged Care’s property, assets and operations in NSW. The correspondence can be viewed here and here.

The HSU is the process of arranging consultation meetings with senior management to ensure that the rights of members are protected.

At a local level, your Organiser Karen Wiles will be available to make representations to management throughout the consultation process.

It is important that members know their rights in any change process:

  • You have the right to be consulted about the change. That gives you the right to raise any issues with the change and management must give consideration to those issues.
  • You have the right to say NO! Contracted hours cannot be cut without your approval. Cuts to jobs can occur, but only with agreement, a redundancy or redeployment to a comparable position. Do not sign anything you are not happy with.
  • You have the right for the changes to be put to you in writing and time to consider them.
  • You have the right to representation! Ensure you are represented by the HSU when discussing major workplace change.

We can only represent HSU members during this process. Encourage your workmates to join online at or phone 1300 478 679.

You can also contact your Organiser Karen Wiles by email [E-Mail not displayed] or calling 0408 164 519.