Major roster changes at St Basil’s Lakemba – Know your rights!

Dear Member,

St Basil’s management have announced proposed roster changes at the Lakemba site and it’s vital HSU members know your rights.

Management have scheduled a consultation meeting for Friday, 26 July at 10am in your workplace and via teams, about the proposed roster changes which would affect the start and finish time of approximately 200 care and clinical workers.

Following the consultation meeting, affected workers will be given the opportunity  for one-on-one meetings. The meetings will be held from the 26-30 July 2024, according to management.

It’s important that you know your rights during this consultation period!

St. Basil’s must consult with all affected staff members. And must:

  • provide, in writing, all relevant information about the change.
  • invite you to give your views about the proposed change
  • consider any views about the impact of the change.

HSU members have the right to be represented by your union. If your colleagues are not yet HSU members, encourage them to join today!

Do not sign anything you are not happy with. All HSU members are encouraged to seek advice before signing or agreeing to any changes.

If you have any questions or concerns, contact your organiser Anita Bhattarai Pangeni on 0455 995 966 or by email [E-Mail not displayed].

Encourage your workmates to join the HSU. Together you have strength in your workplace. New members can join online at or call 1300 478 679.