HSU Hornsby BBQ: Union power shines!

The recent HSU BBQ at Hornsby and Ku-ring-gai Hospital was a great day for all involved. The sun was shining, and it was a fantastic opportunity for members to meet your new union sub-branch. Many conversations were had among staff about how we can improve the hospital together.

Union Growth and Unity

Lots of union members joined the BBQ, demonstrating our growing unity and solidarity. We also welcomed new members who share our commitment to improving working conditions at Hornsby Hospital.

Together We Can

As union members, we know that together we can achieve many things. Let’s continue to pursue fairness, justice, and better working conditions – together!

Get Active, Make a Difference!

All members are encouraged to become more active in our union. Attend meetings, participate in events, and invite your colleagues to join us. If you want to find out more, contact your organiser Andrei on 0417 134 715 or [E-Mail not displayed].

Do you know someone who isn’t an HSU member? Encourage them to join our Union today and have a say at work. We are always stronger when we stand together.

New members can join at www.hsu.asn.au/join or call 1300 478 679.