HealthShare cafe closures update: Petition launch a huge success!

Dear Member,

HSU members came together this week to launch the paper petition telling HealthShare management at John Hunter and Manning Base Hospitals – “hands off our cafeterias!”.

With very few options for buying food and nothing in the surrounding area, the decision to close cafeterias would be disastrous for both health workers and the community.

On Tuesday, more than 100 members packed the Cosy Kooka Cafeteria to sign the petition and hear from HSU Secretary Gerard Hayes about the importance of cafe space for workers and the need to fight the potential closure. Members are outraged by HealthShare’s proposal, not only lining up to sign the petition, but pledging to take copies back to their colleagues and seek wider support.

On Wednesday, about 80 HSU members also gathered at Manning Base Hospital for their own launch – reaffirming their position to keep fighting. More than 1000 people have already signed the petition, and the Manning Great Lakes Community Health Action Group has also written to HealthShare, calling for the decision to close cafes to be reversed. You can read their correspondence here.

Your action is already having an effect. The HealthShare executive have agreed to meet and discuss the proposed closures with HSU members shortly.

There is only one direction from here, and that is forward! The message is clear, we will not take a backwards step in this fight!

Sign the online petition ASAP if you have not already and download and print off a paper version to distribute to your colleagues.

Your HSU organiser Matt Ramsay will be onsite at both JHH and Manning Base next week to gather more signatures!