Frank Vickery Village phones update

  • Published May 12, 2022

Members from Frank Vickery Village recently raised concerns about a direction from management to use personal mobile phones to contact each other while on shift. It is understood this was due to damaged and/or broken DECT phones, but the direction was given without consultation or agreement from workers.

This has now been raised with management who have confirmed:

“Wesley Mission has budgeted Capital funds to replace the current nurse call system (Vital Call) which incorporates the DECT phone system, the delay in implementing this upgrade has been two parts – first one of our other sites recently upgraded and the process was mismanaged by the vendor, Wesley needs some assurance this won’t happen again once the project starts here at Sylvania. The second is sourcing a system that works within the confines of the property size and building types to ensure there are adequate fail-safes and no ‘dead-spots’ in the system. This has meant reviewing alternative systems both in and out of country. This is a substantial investment of money and Wesley Community Services need assurances that whatever system is utilised is futureproofed for new technologies and growth.

“To overcome the use of personal mobile phones while working I have ordered two new Mobile phones with SIM Cards as an interim fix for staff to utilise. I trust this will be enough for the staff once the new mobile devices are delivered”.

This is a great solution which came about because of union members.

Moving forward, it’s important that all workers understand your rights. If you know some who is not yet a member of the HSU, please invite them to join so that together we can ensure conditions and rights are protected. New members can join at or by calling 1300 478 679.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your Organiser Renee Sheridan on 0408 132 351 or via [E-Mail not displayed] (Tuesday-Thursday).