Feedback needed: Adventist’s EBA proposal

Please find attached two documents:

After reading over their log of claims (and, if you wish, flicking through the draft EBA), please provide us feedback on the following:

  1. How do you feel about Adventist’s proposed wage increases? That is, the amounts as well as the staggered 6-month intervals.
  2. How do you feel about superannuation on parental leave being introduced in July 2024 rather than earlier?
  3. Do you have concerns about their proposed changes to:
    • Sonographer classifications
    • Clerical and admin classifications
    • OTA grades
    • Pharmacy technicians.

Your bargaining representatives, fellow members, and HSU staff would really appreciate your comments on any of the above. Please email your feedback to your HSU Industrial Organiser, Randall Millington: [E-Mail not displayed].

Randall and Johann will be on site again within the next two weeks to help educate about what we can do to win a stronger agreement than the one currently proposed.