CCLHD Operations Assistants: Infectious Cleaning Backpay

Were you working as an Operations Assistant in the CCLHD between 1 July 2018 and 21 February 2022? You may be entitled to backpay for unpaid Infectious Cleaning Allowance.

CCLHD management acknowledges that backpay is owed to Operations Assistants, but they don’t want to part with what is rightfully yours!

If you worked as an OA between 1 July 2018 and 21 Feb 2022, get in touch with your HSU organiser. Send your full name, worksite, and period of employment to [E-Mail not displayed].

Remember only HSU members will receive support. If your colleagues are affected but not yet members, tell them to join today.

New members can join at or call 1300 478 679.