St Elizabeth Home – pay increase to match new enterprise agreement

Dear Member,

After HSU members at St Elizabeth Home recently raised concerns their pay rate had not changed to match the new enterprise agreement, management have now confirmed workers will receive their correct pay, plus backpay from mid-July.

The agreement states from the first full pay period on or after 1 January 2024, carers with a Cert III payrate be paid $31.31 per hour and GSO Level 2 $25.92. However, workers noticed they were not being paid accordingly.

After HSU members came together and contacted management about the discrepancies, St Elizabeth management advised the delays were caused by issues with the financial software.

However, management has now confirmed that once the software is adjusted “we will be back paying in line with the EA and also the new rate commencing from July will also be applied”. It is anticipated that this will occur around mid-July.

When members speak up, it gets issues resolved in the workplace!

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