Buckland Nursing Home – workers shoot down unfair rostering contracts!

Dear Member,

Until recently, contracts at Buckland Nursing Home had a worrying clause that suggested workers’ rosters could be varied without their agreement.

HSU members raised concerns over the wording in new contracts being given to workers that implied staff could have their roster changed at any time – contrary to the enterprise agreement. And together, they won!

The Buckland Nursing Home EA states any changes to a worker’s roster must be by mutual agreement, with notice given.

The HSU wrote to Bucklands to seek assurance no rosters would be varied without a worker’s agreement, or without notice.

Buckland management has now given assurances this clause in the contracts “has not and will not be enforced”. Additionally, all future contracts will have this clause removed.

This is what happens when workers come together in the workplace and speak up!

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