Award Reform: First meeting held

Today the leadership of the Health Services Union and NSW Health came together to discuss how best to update the outdated awards in NSW Health. 

The HSU delegation to this meeting included myself and Lauren Hutchins, HSU Assistant Secretary, alongside three dedicated Union members – Emily Green, Clint Dukamp, and Phillip Garrahy.

The Ministry was represented by Phil Minns, Jo Blackwell, and Alice Murphy. 

The HSU and the Ministry have agreed to develop a Terms of Reference for the negotiations which will be established over the coming month. 

Award Reform will be a once in a generation opportunity to properly value the changed nature of health services and professions, scope of practice, technology, and the attraction and retention of staff through pay increases.

This needs to be understood by the Ministry and the Government. As such I have invited representatives from both to attend a forum in September between union delegates, the Ministry, and the Government about the key issues to be addressed in Award reform. 

Members will be kept up to date as negotiations progress.

Do you know someone who isn’t an HSU member? Encourage them to join our Union today and have a say at work. We are always stronger when we stand together.

New members can join at or call 1300 478 679.