Action for a better PTO Award starts today

On Thursday, ADHSU PTS members resolved to commence new industrial action. This action is in response to the Ministry of Health's continued refusal to bargain with members on their log of claims. There have now been three official meetings with almost no progress towards a better Award.

The current Award will expire at the end of June, and PTS members are fed up with the Ministry and HealthShare’s disrespect. Both have been playing their greatest hits on repeat, including classic tracks like:

  • "We'll look into it."
  • "We agree, but we don't really want it in an Award."
  • "We're still investigating that; it seems pretty complicated."
  • "We need to wait for specific bargaining parameters on that issue."

PTS members voted 97% in favour of bans on discharging patients and updating their job status; and 95% in favour of bans on calling ahead to sending facilities. You can see the endorsed actions here.

These are in addition to the list of indefinite bans of no single PTOs attending home addresses, no single PTOs after 18:00 or before 06:00; and the ongoing ban on multiloading patients. These bans will run in parallel with NSW Ambulance Control Centre members, who are also fighting for their own Award. They will refuse to dispatch work forwarded to them from HealthShare PTS – see here for reference.

PTS bans will be ongoing until the Ministry and HealthShare can come to the table with real progress on improving the current Award.