5375 Articles — Page 570 of 672
Booroongen Djugun Stand Down: Know Your Rights
The Health Services Union has been contacted by members who are reporting they have been stood down without pay. The explanation given by management is that…
August 20, 2021
St Vincent's Private Hospital, Darlinghurst: Pausing of Non-Elective Surgery
As you have been made aware, multiple private hospitals across NSW have paused non-elective surgeries to assist in the combating of COVID-19 and have redeployed staff…
August 19, 2021
Pausing of Non-Elective Surgery
As you have been made aware, multiple private hospitals across NSW have paused non-elective surgeries to assist in combating COVID-19 and have redeployed staff to assist…
August 19, 2021
Zoom into our RNSH HSU August Sub Branch Meeting
The HSU continues to actively support and protect its members, as you continue to provide first class healthcare to the community. Your commitment, professionalism and positive…
August 19, 2021
New priority vaccination appointments for 16 to 39 year olds in LGAs of concern
The HSU strongly encourages disability workers aged 16-39 years to book in for a priority Pfizer vaccination. New priority vaccinations are available for…
August 19, 2021
ISLHD: Proposed changes, Medical Imaging management team structure
The HSU has received correspondence from Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District regarding proposed changes to the Medical Imaging management team structure. You can view the correspondence…
August 19, 2021
NBMLHD: Unconfirmed minutes, JCC meeting 23 July 2021
The HSU has received the unconfirmed minutes of the most recent NBMLHD Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) meeting, held 23 July 2021. You can view the minutes…
August 19, 2021
Unconfirmed minutes, Nepean Hospital Redevelopment USCC meeting
The HSU has received the unconfirmed minutes of the most recent Nepean Hospital Redevelopment Union-Specific Consultative Committee (USCC) meeting, held 3 August 2021. You can view…
August 19, 2021