Work Value Legends | Federal Election | and all things Aged Care meeting NEXT TUESDAY


It’s been years in the making. We’ve rallied, we’ve lobbied, we campaigned. And now the formal part of our HSU Work Value Case, the hearing at the Fair Work Commission, finished today.

Every member has been a part of this fight. This is the fight we had to have – our fight for a 25% wage increase is about ensuring dignity and respect for aged care workers.

I want to acknowledge the incredible HSU members who gave evidence during the hearing, who spoke up for the hundreds of thousands of aged care workers who deserve to be valued properly. Your leadership and courage now form part of our HSU history.

Our Case is continuing, with the Fair Work Commission now taking final written statements, after which it will then make a decision.


Winning our Case is fundamental to changing aged care but there are many other changes needed to fix our sector. Surrounding our HSU Work Value Case has been the federal election campaign where aged care continues to be a big issue.

The major parties have taken different policy positions – each with different implications for the sector.

For members who want to know more or ask questions about these policies, A MEMBERS MEETING WILL BE HELD NEXT TUESDAY:

Tuesday 17 May @ 5:00pm
Online click here: Aged Care Members Meeting
Or phone 02 8015 6011 (Meeting ID: 817 1398 3306)

Please share these details with your colleagues who want to know more.

Again, I want to acknowledge every member who has given so much to the Change Aged Care campaign. It’s your passion and dedication which has bolstered our Work Value Case and placed aged care firmly on the agenda during this election.