Work, Health and Safety concerns at Toronto Private Hospital

HSU members recently raised major Work, Health and Safety concerns about Toronto Private Hospital management changing from standard hospital beds to small ensembles, without consultation.

Members raised their concerns around possible injury with management but were ignored, triggering a WHS assessment of the hospital by the HSU on Wednesday, September 11.

While management have since added taller legs to some beds and ordered new legs for the remaining lower models, workers are still concerned about the increased risk of injury.

At no point did management consult with workers about any of these changes in line with Section 47 (consultation) of the WHS Act.

The HSU has now written to Toronto Private management demanding:

  • Toronto Private provide its risk assessment and consultation notes of its hospital beds, as outlined in the Mental Health Shared Room Painting Experience Project.
  • That management update Standard Work Practice from the Victorian code of practice to NSW code for manual handling.
  • That Toronto Private seek advice from the beds’ manufacturer with regards to the appropriate legs that should be fitted, as the wooden legs currently fitted do not allow for the bed to be moved easily and would require at least two or more people to move the bed.
  • That, until all beds have been fitted with new legs, two housekeeping staff will be required when making a lower ensemble bed.
  • That management commit to all consultation requirements for any future changes as per the enterprise agreement’s consultation clause and the WHS Act Section 47.
  • The roll out of a formal process for workers to notify management of any further safety concerns.

No one should be unsafe at work!

If you’re a HSU member at Toronto Private and you’re concerned about safety, contact your HSU delegate or organiser today.

Do you know someone who isn’t an HSU member? Encourage them to join our Union today and have a say at work. We are always stronger when we stand together.

New members can join at or call 1300 478 679.