What do you think of St Vincent’s wage offer?

Your HSU Bargaining team had a bargaining meeting with management and a draft agreement was circulated as well as a wage offer.


Management have seemingly decided that they don’t want to do anything if they don’t have to, the bare minimum and status quo is good enough. Do you think this is fair? Have your say here!


Here’s a special report for members, showing you what management have agreed to and what they’ve rejected. Click here to see St Vincent’s response to your claims.


For the wage increases in the new EA, St Vincent have proposed the following:


  • 3% in 2023
  • 3% in 2024
  • 3% in 2025


How do you feel about this proposal? Have your say here!


If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact the Aged Care Bargaining Officer at [E-Mail not displayed].


The only way for us to win more at the table is to continue being active in our workplaces. Have conversations with your colleagues about the Union and tell them they need to join today at www.hsu.asn.au/join or call 1300 HSU NSW