VOTE OUTCOME: Control Centre bans roll out tomorrow

  • Published June 27, 2024
  • Industries


Previous newsletter here

In response to the Ministry’s continued inaction to the log of claims, ADHSU members in Control resolved to carry out bans commencing first day shift, Friday 28 June 2024. These bans will include:

  • Ban on R5s, R6s & R7s, unless out of scope (PTS), end of life, end of shift hot swaps or any other case deemed necessary.
  • Not managing bed block. No member will manage or follow up transfer of care delays.
  • No stamping or recording of call outs.
  • Not participating in PDPs and Sick Leave Review meetings.
  • ADHSU DCCOs & SCCOs will do no SharePoint documentation.

In addition to the above, Control Centre members ran a vote to carry out additional bans. Given the results of the vote, these actions will also be in force tomorrow morning:

  • Ban on all R3 hospital to hospital transfers (excluded would be R3s from a community setting such as NH) - the R3 bans start first day shift tomorrow and end first day shift on Saturday (24 hours only)

  • Not participating in training, workshops or any other things in relation to the new cad upgrade.

It has been a long fight for ADHSU members in Control to achieve their rightful claim to equalised pay and improved working conditions. Members remain united and determined to make the Ministry respond under the membership’s terms.