VOTE NOW: NSLHD Allied Health & Admin Industrial Action Pause
Published November 12, 2024
HSU Allied Health and Administration members met today at 12pm to discuss NSLHD’s proposed offer in return for the pause of industrial action across the District.
During the meeting, members identified that industrial action has successfully brought NSLHD to the table on several key staffing issues for members and improvements have been seen. However, there is more still to do.
How did we get here?
Over the last 2 weeks, HSU members involved in the NSLHD industrial action committee have held several meetings with NSLHD to get staffing improvements from the District.
The Committee members endorsed a position that the HSU request a written response from NLSHD on the proposed staffing cuts. If this was deemed a sufficient improvement, then it would be taken to all members to vote on.
HSU communicated this to NSLHD on November 1, 2024. NSLHD provided their response on November 7, 2024.
What is NSLHD’s offer?
- Staffing cuts overall – NSLHD has provided this written position which walks back the proposed cuts which had commenced – link here
- Improved ATF process for all positions within the District, NSLHD and HSU have established a process for all pending ATF’s to move through to approval and any rejected ones be subject to HSU review. The below documents encapsulate the process:
- Improved overtime process which is aligned with the Award.
- An executive level working group to resolve the ongoing WHS staffing issues at MVH.
- The resolution of all identified job losses arising from temporary contracts been given notice.
- In addition, the Health Minister has responded to the HSU’s issues directly and cited an increased budget for NSLHD of 6.1% - link here
What are members voting on?
HSU Allied Health and Admin members are being asked to vote on the above offer and whether this provides enough guarantee to pause the bans in good faith while the above processes are finalised.
HSU members would only pause the bans conditional on NSLHD acting in good faith to address the above staffing issues and more specifically, if NSLHD breached the above offer the bans would be reinstated immediately.
Note: industrial action at MVH will continue in relation to staffing dispute occurring locally.
You must be an HSU member to vote. You can vote here: VOTE NOW
Due to the quick turnaround post meeting today, voting will close at 6pm today, November 12.