Update on bans (including expanding the definition of a discharge)

  • Published April 19, 2022
  • Industries

The fight for a decent pay rise continues. Bans are also going great and are well supported across the membership. Don’t forget to assist by putting your name down for overtime.

The current ADHSU bans are found here.

In relation to the staff movements section, the bans apply to both dual crews and paramedics rostered single.

When signing on for the shift members should advise the control centre staff that they are HSU and are participating in the bans.

If asked to breach the ban the member should inform the manager that “they are HSU member participating in the bans”.

If the manager is able to demonstrate that they have exhausted MyShift and OT SMS then members should undertake the movement in line with the current bans.

Additionally delegates are reporting that there is an unexplained increase in the amount of R6 discharges being assigned to ADHSU crews. We have updated the current bans to include R7s AND R6s – no more discharges.