Update: HNELHD industrial action hiatus

Members in Hunter New England LHD received an SMS yesterday evening to advise that work bans planned for today would be paused, due to the tragic bus crash in the Hunter Valley and the associated demand placed on health facilities.

I know you will join me in extending our heartfelt condolences to the families of those lost in the accident and wish a full recuperation to those who were injured.

Situations like this underline just how important a responsive and properly staffed health system is. HSU members are vital to the functioning of NSW Health, but there is a reason that there are currently over 12,000 vacancies across the state.

Unless the NSW Government honours its promises and delivers a fair pay increase in line with inflation, the exodus of health staff will continue. HSU members can’t continue to do the work of two or three people while struggling to put food on the table.

I’ll be in touch with further information about planned stop work actions and member meetings this week.

HSU members will continue to hold this government to account for their broken promises.