Tweed Valley Medical Imaging: We need safe staffing now

HSU members working in the medical imaging department have been continuously fighting for safe staffing since before the opening of the Tweed Valley Hospital. Management have been attempting to implement a 24-hour service but without staffing the department adequately to allow HSU members to undertake their duties safely. 

In response to NNSWLHD continuously ignoring their calls to provide safe staffing levels, HSU members working in medical imaging will be strictly working to Award conditions and NSW Health policies. This will commence from 6am Friday 16 August. 

On behalf of members in medical imaging, the HSU has informed management of the adherence to Award conditions and policy. These include:

  • From now on, HSU members will be taking their awarded meal breaks. They are not going to take work phones with them and will not be recalled to duty within their awarded break times.
  • HSU members will not hasten medical imaging services to complete all imaging requests in ED prior to hand-over or close of service, and only stay behind for urgent imaging requests.
  • HSU members will ensure that we maintain focus on imaging safety and quality, including taking the appropriate time to carefully reconstruct images from our datasets and review studies.
  • Where there is unfilled leave, or excessive demand of imaging services in emergency, HSU members will close the main department early and/or reduce our allocation of interoperative imaging services to theatre from 2 radiographers to 1 to be able to redeploy those staff to assist to avoid unsafe practice during shortages.
  • HSU members will not be performing examinations if they are alone for safety reasons. I.e. if a radiographer is by themselves in emergency any patient that requires imaging will need to be accompanied by either a nurse or wards-person. This extends to times when the allocated HSA in ED is pulled from imaging to attend codes, transfers or scheduled patients.

While it may inconvenience others, HSU members will be ensuring that they undertake their duties safely. The HSU will not be idle if its members are subjected to harassment, bullying behaviour or any other inappropriate actions by individual staff, managers or Executive as the result of them working safely and to the Awards.

Members in medical imaging are asking for your support in highlighting the issues of chronic understaffing. Members in other departments are also encouraged to raise concerns of workloads and understaffing with your sub branch where possible.

Do you know someone who isn’t an HSU member? Encourage them to join our Union today and have a say at work. We are always stronger when we stand together.

New members can join at or call 1300 478 679.