Transfer rules limiting career progression within NSWA: Survey

  • Published November 26, 2024
  • Industries

New ‘interpretation’ of the transfer policy has made it very clear that NSWA is not interested in training up or retaining experienced paramedics.

The Service wants to prop up its bottom line by stripping specialists of their clinical position as soon as they are no longer on a dedicated module. They also want to strip SOs/DOMs of their leadership positions if they wish to upskill clinically.

There is no work/life consideration for those wanting to enhance their skills. No reward to upskill. Minimal ECPs or ICPs in regional and rural areas. Moving away from dual specialties. Less clinically upskilled managers to call upon. No respect at all towards experienced paramedics.

ICPs and ECPs can only transfer to a handful of positions in the state. It does not sound great to apply for your dream role, only to have it taken away when you want to take your new skills to your home community.

ADHSU members recognise this as an issue for the continued development of the profession but ultimately so for the communities that benefit from the level of care they receive from specialist paramedics. Even if you started the job yesterday, ADHSU members think that having the possibility of career progression being held back is as important to you as it is to the ICP who wants to move back home to the bush after 20 years of slogging it in metro.

Are you affected by this? Please let us know by filling out the survey and getting involved to fix this injustice: