Time to support Allied Health students

Dear Member,

Allied Health Student placements are a crucial step to develop future clinicians who support our patients and communities.

Every Allied Health clinician sees the value and the worth in having students undergo placement under the supervision of highly skilled Allied Health clinicians. But HSU Allied Health members all agree undergoing placement should be about learning and not a period of financial and mental stress because it’s unpaid.

The Federal Government recently announced financial support for Social Work, Nursing and Teaching students undertaking placement. The HSU welcomes this.

However, student physiotherapists, occupational therapists, sonographers, psychologist, radiographer or radiation therapists required to undertake placement deserves the same financial support.

This week, the HSU made a submission into the senate inquiry on the University Accord. Dozens of HSU students and workplace members shared their distressing and difficult lived experience of navigating an unpaid clinical placement.

The message for government is clear – if you want to fix the attraction and retention crises in Allied Health, support students as they prepare for a career in health.

You can read more about what the HSU is doing HERE.

Are you a student undertaking clinical placement? Student membership is free (if you are not receiving a wage), join here today or call 1300 478 679.