Thousands unite for wage action


Yesterday thousands of HSU members from across NSW took action to demand this government deliver on their promises. Now we need to keep the pressure on!

Members made history. For the first time ever public health workers united across the state - from cleaners to radiation therapists to paramedics to patient transport officers. This shows how urgent our calls for fair wages are.

And the community is hearing us loud and clear. The actions taken by health workers were covered by Channel 9 (and here), Channel 7 (and here), Channel 10, ABC News and more.

The Government has its eyes on health workers. Now is the time to stay strong, stand together, and make change.

HSU members will hold an online meeting next Wednesday 7 June at 12pm or 6pm. Watch out for your invite and come along to have your say.

This Government must know health workers won’t stop until they keep their promises on:

  • Scrapping the wages cap
  • A fair pay rise
  • Stop stealing salary sacrificing tax benefits
  • Award reform
  • A Royal Commission into NSW Health

Health workers won’t back down! We will win together. Make sure all your team are union members: