Update on MRS Big Wednesday action

During the HSU’s Big Wednesday, hundreds of Medical Radiation Scientists (MRS) took part in the statewide industrial action alongside colleagues in Ambulance, Public Health and throughout Allied Health.

MRS members placed bans on billing patients which ensured our message was sent without concern for patient safety.

The Government is now on notice – fulfil your promises to health workers immediately.

Members are reporting that in some instances, they are now being asked to retrospectively amend billing for non-billed services on Wednesday 31 March. Your MRS member Committee has met to discuss this concern.

Retrospective billing defeats the purpose of the ban and ignores our demands, while putting the onus back on individual members.

The MRS Committee therefore endorsed the following action for HSU members:

1.     Indefinite ban on retrospectively adjusting billing for the day of 31 May 2023 (Big Wednesday).

If the Government wants these bills retrospectively changed, they can do it. All they must do is follow through on their promises to health workers.

HSU members’ demands are clear, it’s now time for the NSW Government to deliver.

Remember, as an HSU member you are entitled to participate in industrial action and cannot be victimised for taking part in union activities. If the Ministry raises any concerns, they are entitled to take the HSU as an organisation to the Industrial Relations Commission to address those concerns. However, they cannot target MRS members participating in the action.

Do you know someone who isn’t an HSU member? Encourage them to join our Union today and have a say at work. We are always stronger when we stand together.

New members can join at www.hsu.asn.au/join or call 1300 478 679.