Sunnyfield underpayments update

Sunnyfield has advised the HSU it has underpaid staff through an error in the way it applied pay point progression as per the Social Community Home Care and Disability Services Award (SCHADS Award).

You can read the full correspondence here, along with an FAQ provided here.

The issue relates to progression of pay points under the SCHADS Award, which states that staff should progress from one pay point to the next in the same level after they have worked continuously for 12 months with satisfactory performance.

The relevant clause from the SCHADS Award is below:

13.3 Progression

(a)  At the end of each 12 months’ continuous employment, an employee will be eligible for progression from one pay point to the next within a level if the employee has demonstrated competency and satisfactory performance over a minimum period of 12 months at each level within the level and:

i. the employee has acquired and satisfactorily used new or enhanced skills within the ambit of the classification, if required by the employer; or

ii. where an employer has adopted a staff development and performance appraisal scheme and has determined that the employee has demonstrated satisfactory performance for the prior 12 months’ employment

To rectify this issue, Sunnyfield has engaged an external legal firm, Sparke Helmore and external accountants Stewart Brown to perform the remedial calculations. Repayments to staff will include superannuation and interest and are expected to begin in December 2024, continuing through to 1 July 2025.

Staff who are not currently at the correct pay point will be moved to the correct pay point by the end of November 2024.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your HSU organiser Emmett Gray at 0499 919 355 or at [E-Mail not displayed].

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