Staffing proposal for multi-purpose unit at Manning Base Hospital

Dear Member,

The HSU has received correspondence from Manning Base management around the staffing proposal for the MPU. You can view the correspondence at the below link:

The proposal contains the following the FTE:

  • Administration Support 1.0 FTE
  • Medical Records/DMR support MBH 1.4 FTE
  • Allied health 2.65 FTE
  • Cleaner/Porter/support MBH 1.47 FTE

Your subbranch executive has called an extraordinary meeting for THURSDAY 30TH MAY at 12 NOON in the EDUCATION RM1-LEVEL 2.

At this meeting, they will seek feedback determine if the proposed staffing is adequate for the MPU. There for it is vital for members to attend and be involved in the meeting.

Also being discussed is the NSW Government’s pay offer to health workers. A breakdown of the offer is below. You can also read a recent newsletter here. NSW Government makes pay offer - HSU NSW/ACT/QLD

The offer:
Year 1:

  • 3 per cent increase to salary and salary-related allowances
  • 5 per cent increase to superannuation

A further 0.5 per cent increase to salary and salary-related allowances for workers who haven’t received an increase in the past 12 months.

The government has said this increase is contingent on agreement being reached ‘in a timely manner’ prior to the expiry of the current agreement.

Year 2

  • 3 per cent increase to salary and salary-related allowances
  • 5 per cent increase to superannuation

Year 3

  • 3 per cent increase to salary and salary-related allowances

What do you think?

It is important for union members to lead this discussion. How will this affect you? Please send your feedback on this proposal to [E-Mail not displayed] by COB Thursday 6 June 2024, using the subject line Multi-Purpose Unit at Manning Base Hospital.

Your union at work

Everyone affected by these changes needs to be a union member. Members deserve to have control over their working lives. Tell your colleagues now is the time to join.

Do you know someone who isn’t an HSU member? Encourage them to join our Union today and have a say at work. We are always stronger when we stand together. 

New members can join at or call 1300 478 679.