MIR Award Reform – our time is NOW!

Dear Member,

On May 16, more than 1000 medical imaging and radiation (MIR) professionals came together to launch a generational campaign for a new Award which seeks to address staffing and retention crises, recognise the changing complexity of MIR professions, and ensure NSW Health can meet the growing community demands for services.

This launch could only occur because of the thousands of hours HSU MIR delegates have spent developing proposed claims, including new classification structures, which are now ready for your feedback.

Over the past 18 months your HSU MIR delegates have debated and discussed all the issues which members have raised and attempted to create a cohesive list of proposed claims.

Now it’s your chance to say whether they got it right!

Listed below are three documents to help inform your views about the proposed claims.

Over the coming four weeks, your HSU MIR delegates will conduct local member-only meetings for you to provide feedback on the documents.

If you are in a smaller department or isolated, online meetings will be conducted to ensure every member can participate in the feedback process.

At the end of the four-week period, there will be a large online vote for HSU MIR members.

This means if you are not a member and want to have a say, NOW is the time to join and play a part in your professions most exciting reform in decades – join here today!

If you’re already a member, now is the time to get active – to join the campaign please email: [E-Mail not displayed]

Do you know someone who isn’t an HSU member? Encourage them to join our Union today and have a say at work. We are always stronger when we stand together.

 New members can join at www.hsu.asn.au/join or call 1300 478 679.