St Basil's Single Site Program and Extra Shifts

Last week, the Health Services Union received reports from members that St Basil’s management was continuing to restrict workers to single sites and also giving shifts to Agency rather than current staff.

The HSU contacted the Director of People, Learning and Culture, who confirmed there had been a miscommunication and that the single site program had indeed stopped.  Regarding extra shifts, the union received confirmation that extra shifts will be offered to staff and are only to be offered to Agency staff when no St Basil’s staff are able to fill them. 

If you are available for extra shifts, please email your Manager/Roster Clerk to let them know.

If you have any further issues, please don’t hesitate to contact your local Organiser Josie Peacock on 0419 264 060.

I want to acknowledge the HSU members who raised the concerns. We are stronger when we stand together. Tell your workmates to join the Union – it’s easy. Just visit or call 1300 478 679.