GDN Update: Introducing Emmett | Bargaining | GDMI changes

Welcome Emmett Gray

Late last year, your Health Services Union organiser Lisa Ronneberg left the HSU to work in the community sector, where she will no doubt continue to fight for fairness. In her place, I have appointed Emmett Gray to the Disability Sector organiser position. 

Emmett has worked as an HSU Organiser for the past 2 years, having previously been a delegate in his workplace. This is a big year for HSU members at Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and I know that Emmett is keen to hit the ground running and meet with members. If you have any questions for Emmett or would like to set up a time for him to meet with you and your colleagues, please email [E-Mail not displayed].

GDN bargaining kicks off

Yesterday the HSU was notified that GDN has issued the Notice of Employee Representational Rights (NERR), which serves as formal notice that bargaining for your new enterprise agreement had commenced. HSU members will automatically be represented by the HSU Bargaining Team, so aren’t required to notify GDN.

At the last negotiations, the interests of HSU members were represented by the HSU Industrial team, including member advocates Peter McKenzie and Matt Wood. Their work, along with other bargaining representatives, pushed GDN to consider the impact of every change. And while not every argument was won, GDN was held to account.

Are you interested in being part of the HSU Bargaining Team? The HSU is calling for nominations to join. Email Emmett on [E-Mail not displayed].

GDMI ‘reporting line’ changes

The HSU has also been notified of reporting line changes for GDMI staff. GDN has stated that these changes will not have an impact on employees, though their initial feedback to the HSU would suggest otherwise.

We want to hear from you. GDN is required to consult on workplace change and consider the views of employees. The HSU intends to write to GDN if it becomes clear these changes will have a direct impact on the nature and structure of your work. If you believe you will be impacted by these changes, send your feedback to Emmett on [E-Mail not displayed].

Finally, I hope you are all staying safe. As we enter the third year of the pandemic with the impact of the ‘let it rip’ approach playing out at work, your safety remains our primary concern. If you have any questions or concerns, contact HSU Member Services on 1300 478 679.