St Agnes: HSU members stand together for a better deal

Dear member

Negotiations for your next enterprise agreement is underway. It is still early in the process, but St Agnes have rejected most of your log of claims around improving pay and conditions.

HSU members know the only way workers achieve change is when they stand together, are engaged in the process and show solidarity.

You can show solidarity with your fellow workers and show your commitment to securing an EA that reflects the hard work you do, by wearing a HSU blue wristband. The ‘Better Pay, Fairer sick leave’ wristbands send a clear message you WON’T accept anything less than an improved EA offer that reflects your hard work and dedication.

See your local delegate or HSU organiser Karen Wiles to grab your wristband today.

Importantly, if you are directed to remove the wristband while working you should obey this directive HOWEVER you can wear them in your breaks, and take photos and to send them to your organiser Karen Wiles 0408164519  or [E-Mail not displayed].

You cannot be disciplined by taking part in a union campaign – but by taking part you can show St Agnes you’re standing together and demand better!

Encourage your workmates to join the HSU. Together you have strength in your workplace. New members can join online at or call 1300 478 679.