Southern NSW impacted by ‘No Consultation, No Rehydration’ cuts

Southern NSW hospital patients and staff have been impacted by ‘No Consultation, No Rehydration’ cuts, with management’s ongoing focus on ‘financial sustainability’ sparking a crackdown on ordering basic needs for patients – like one bottle of water a day for patients in critical care departments across the LHD.

SNSWLHD HSU Delegates have met and endorsed actions to ensure patients and the community are adequately fed and watered in times of need.

These cuts are happening without any consultation with the HSU, adversely impacting workloads and patient care. You can view correspondence from the LHD at this link.

Your union at work

Everyone affected by ongoing budget cuts needs to be a union member. The only way we can fight back is by standing together. Tell your colleagues now is the time to join!

New members can join at or call 1300 478 679.