Southern Control members joining the fight for better conditions

  • Published May 25, 2023
  • Industries

Without the dedication and hard work of members both on road and in the Control Centre, NSWA does not operate. ADHSU members working at Southern Control support the ongoing fight for pay recognition and conditions for their paramedic colleagues. Members know how important supportive working conditions are and they are now fighting for their own. 

Last week, members at Southern Control continued to bring their concerns to management about much needed enhanced supervision and support. To date, the service has given zero commitment. 

As a result, ADHSU members at Southern have implemented bans locally and in support and in line with other bans across the state.

  1. No management of grade of service
  2. Cessation of new dispatcher training
  3. Nil dispatch of R7 casesThese are indefinite bans until the service commences more meaningful negotiation directly with union members. Members will stand strong to fight for their rights collectively, ensuring the Service can continue to provide the best possible care to the people of NSW.